ASSEMBLY Base Frame – Characteristic and Erection
Switchboard ASSEMBLY Base Frame Provides Base support to Assembly structure and evenly pass load onto base concrete foundation.
Switchboard ASSEMBLY Base Frame Provides Base support to Assembly structure and evenly pass load onto base concrete foundation.
Busbar used in Switchboard Assemblies are Al or Cu, they have specific Weight basis size and Density of Atoms for given volume.
Steps and Limits of Temperature rise of ASSEMBLY, Verification by Testing with Current, with Arrangement as in normal use.
Electrical Panel Assemblies needs good understanding of GAS laws, PV=nRT, which relates Pressure, Volume, Temperature and Amount of GAS inside the ASSEMBLY.
Solar Radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun. Solar Gain is the Increase in Thermal Energy of a Object as it absorbs Solar Radiation.
Severity Test for Assembly is Degree of impact a defect has on its operation, under conditions of high humidity combined with cyclic changes in temperature.
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel ISO 898, with respect to Bolt class, Bolt Material, Proof Strength, Tensile Strength
Maximmum allowed Temperature on Busbar length and Joints-connection for Aluminium or Copper Busbar material considering Coating type.
CTI is max voltage which material can withstands 50 water drops without without formation of conductive path.
Clearance is the shortest distance in air between two conductive parts. Minimum Clearance required to withstand transient overvoltages as per IEC 61439.
Arc Flash is light and heat produced as a result of Arc Fault, due to low impedance path, which causes electrical explosion or discharge.
Arcing Class A, B, C according to personal protection from ASSEMBLY under Arc Fault and ASSEMBLY protection from internal Arc fault.
Tested Assemblies Varification Tests as per IEC 61439. Verification by TESTING, CALCULATION, DESIGN-RULES for Construction and Performance of ASSEMBLY.
Pollution factor can be solid, liquid, gaseous foreign matter which may reduce the dielectric strength accordingly Pollution Degree defined IEC 60664.
IEC 61439, Low Voltage Power Switchgear and Controlgear ASSEMBLIES. Discrimination between TTA and PTTA eliminated by verification approach.
Temperature rise is defined as the average temperature rise of the ASSEMBLY above the Ambient Air Temperature, with Rated Current load for 8 hours.
Reference Ambient Air Temperature is one third (1/3) of sum of Maximum Air Temperature “Current + Daily Average + Annual Average + 10°C”. As per IS 9676.
Arc Flash is light and heat produced as a result of Arc Fault, due to low impedance path, which causes electrical explosion or discharge.
Internal Arc Protection ensures Personal and ASSEMBLY protection under arcing conditions due to low impedance path, cause of electrical explosion.