LOTO – Lockout Tagout

LOTO - Lockout Tagout is the Physical restraint of Device as Hazardous Energy source, While doing Servicing/Maintenance.
What is LOTO?

Lockout Tagout is the Physical restraint of Device as Hazardous Energy source, which supply Energy to Equipment, while performing Servicing/Maintenance, LOTO Standards also asks to apply Warning Tags on the Device under Restraint.

What is OSHA Standards for LOTO or Control of Hazardous Energy Source?

OSHA Standard for LOTO, CFR 1910.147, guides Practices & Process necessary to Restraint/Disable the Equipment to prevent Release of Hazardous Energy While employee is performing Servicing/Maintenance.

What is OSHA standard for Safe Work Practices with respect to LOTO?

OSHA Requires Employee to use safe work Practices, including LOTO – Lockout Tagout Procedures, while employee is exposed to Electrical Hazards, working On or Near to Electrical Energy source Device/Equipment. LOTO also outlines restraint for controlling Hazardous Energy source be it Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, or other.

What is Energy Control Program?

Purpose of Energy Control Program is to make sure that Equipment must be isolated from energy source and made inoperative before Service/Maintenance to be done, if there is possibility of unexpected startup that Equipment.
The intent of Energy Control Program is to ensure that before Employee does Service/Maintenance of Equipment, where the potential exists of Unexpected Energization/Starup of Equipment OR Release of stored Energy, the Equipment is isolated from Energy source and rendered inoperative.

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