Why MicroGrid, Advantages and Limitations-Barriers to Implement ?

MicroGrid is small Utility Grid Which can work collaoratively or in independently with the main Utility Grid. MicroGrid inmproves resilience and it can complement the main Grid.

MicroGrid is a small Utility Grid Which can work collaoratively or in independently with the main Utility Grid.

There are several Advantages of using MicroGrids and also there are few limititations which should be overcome in time to come :

Advantages :

  • MicroGrid Provides Clean/Renewable Energy, thus improves Environment
  • MicroGrids are efficient and Cost effective compared to Conventional Utility Grid
  • Grid connected MicroGrid can Improve the operation and stability of the main Grid
  • MicroGrid inmproves resilience of the Utility Grid by islanding from the main Utility Grid during outage.
  • MicroGrid along with Energy Storage can complement the main Grid in Peak load conditions
  • MicroGrid can have ability to disconnect from main grid during disturbance or emergency and operate in Island mode independently
  • MicroGrid reduces Demand on Utility Grid, hence can prevent Utility Grid failure

Limitations / Barriers to Implement MicroGrid ?

  • Bigest Barrier to implement MicroGrid, may be Government or bodies who run Conventional Utility Grid, which at times imposes several restrictions, Billing norms etc.
  • Consistency and Reliablty Power Quality supply from MicroGrid are yet to be Proven.
  • Energy Storage is a big concern, in case of limitation availability of Natural resources like Sunline, Wind, Hydro etc.
  • Grid Synchronization and Load Dispatch Functions are yet to be proven, However in that Case MicroGrid can work in Island Mode and switch to Utility Grid only in case of failure of MicroGrid or Demand rise etc.
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