Distributed Energy generation is generating electricity at or near to the load where it will be used, Typically using Renewable Energy sources. Eg :
- Solar panels
- Wind turbines
- Cogeneration
- Disel Generator Set
- Hydro Power Plant
- Waste – Thermal Power Plant
- Energy Storage
Distributed Energy Resources Typically use Renewable Energy Sources.
Conventional Power Plants like Coal Based Thermal Power Plant, need to away from cities due to heavy Pollution. Hydro Power Plants also has its own geographical limitation. Nuclear power plant also have to be built away from popollation. In these cases of Conventional Generation big factor of Transmission and Distribution losses comes in effect.
Distributed Energy Generation, Reduces the T&D losses, since Energy is generated closure to its usage.
Distributed Energy Generation and their loads, combine can form MicroGrids, and inturn these MicroGrids can also be connected to main grid or can work in Island mode.