Thermal Classification of Electrical Insulating Materials

Thermal Classification of Electrical Insulating Materials, basis Permissible Temperature Rise above Ambient Temperatuer and Hotspot.
Temp Rise
Total Temp
Max Permissible
Hotspot Temp
Class AClass 6040 ºC60 ºC100 ºC105 ºC
Class EClass 7540 ºC75 ºC115 ºC120 ºC
Class BClass 13040 ºC80 ºC120 ºC130 ºC
Class FClass 15540 ºC100 ºC140 ºC155 ºC
Class HClass 18040 ºC125 ºC165 ºC180 ºC
Class NClass 20040 ºC200 ºC
Class RClass 22040 ºC220 ºC
Class GClass 22540 ºC170 ºC210 ºC225 ºC
Class SClass 24040 ºC240 ºC
Class CClass >24040 ºC>240 ºC
Insulation Class
What is Electrical Insulating Materials ?

Electrical Insulating Meterials are Nonconducting material that provides electric isolation of two objects at different voltages.

What is Thermal Classification ?

Electrical Insulating Meterials are classified into different class depending on Ambient Temperature, Permissible Temperature Rise and maximum permissible hot spot Temperature is callsed as Thermal Classification.

What is Permissible Temperature Rise ?

Current Flow through conductor/busbar causes Temperature Rise of the Assembly/Object. Tmperature Rise is Average Temperature Rise of the Object above Ambient Temperature When the Object is loaded to its Name Plate Rating. Permissible Temperature Rise is, Rise upto which Properties of Insulating material will not be detoriated.

What is Hotspot ?

Hotspot is high energy density spot. Hotspot is the Point of the Conductor/Object where Temperatue is higher than rest of the conductor/Object, Since that is not cooled similarly Or that spot is generating more heat as compared to other parts of the conductor/object. And due to which Temperature of the Hotspot will be much higher than other Parts of Conductor/Object, upto 15 point higher.

What is Max Permissible Hotspot Temperature ?

Max permissible Hostspot Temperatue of Insulating material is, Hotspot Temperatute upto which Properties of Insulating material will not be detoriated.

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