How MicroGrid Work ?

MicroGrid operates connected to Utility Grid OR operate in Island mode, using local energy generation sources, during crisis outages Emergiency.

To understand how a microgrid works, Lests first understand how the utility grid works.

The utility grid connects Industries, Buildings & homes to central power generating sources – like Thermal Power Station, Hydro Power Station, Nuclear Power Stations, which allow us to use Industrial Machines, Motors, Forging machines, appliances, heating/cooling systems and electronics. Now, When this interconnected systems and devices needs to be repaired for breakdowns, every connected devices are affected.

This is where a microgrid can be useful.

MicroGrid generally operates while connected to the grid, that is Utility grid connected mode, but importantly, it can break off and operate on its own, that is Island mode, using local energy generation sources in times of crisis like storms or power outages, or for other reasons.

A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both

  • Grid connected mode
  • Island mode

A microgrid are powered by distributed sources like Solar Panels, Wind Turbine, mini Hydro Plants. At times, MicroGrids may also have energy Storage systems like Batteries etc.

A microgrid connects to the grid at a PCC – point of common coupling that maintains voltage-frequency and power parameters at the same level as that of main utility grid. In case of any abnormal issue, grid failure, disaster thee MicroGrid can disconnect itself and operate in Island mode.

While MicroGrid are connected with Utility Grid, Important parameters of Generation and Load are constantly are communicated with LDC – Load dispatch center of the utility grid, through Remote telemetry to main Utility SCADA.

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