IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things is all about connecting everything which can be connected, and Measuring everything worth measuring.
IIoT is an enablement for making best use of Asset while producing great quality products ensuing competitiveness. IIoT can increase production volume ensuring Operational visibility and improved productivity. IIoT can improve how Manufacturing industries utilizes its Assets ensuring reduced downtime, reduced asset life cycle cost, and efficient human machine interaction.
Benefits of IIoT:
- Intelligent Manufacturing
- Improved Operational Efficiency
- Max Asset utilization
- Improved Productivity
- Performance optimization, monitoring and planning.
- Reduced Asset life cycle cost
- Reduced downtime
- Predictive Maintenance
- Efficient Human machine interaction
- End to End Operational visibility
- Asset Performance utilization
With above benefits IIoT can be deployed to multiple areas of operation in manufacturing Industries. Following are some of the IIoT use Cases where two main aspects are covered efficient Production and better Asset utilization.
IIoT use Cases :
- Digital/Smart/Connected Factory
- Production flow monitoring
- Manufacturing equipment monitoring
- Energy Optimization
- WAGE-Water,Air,Gas, Energy – Utility Management
- Industrial security solutions
- Asset Performance Management
- Facility Management
- Remote Services
- Predictive & Remote Maintenance
- Asset Tracking
- Quality Control
- Smart – Connected Logistics
- Packaging
With IIoT in a typical Manufacturing, By connecting each Asset and measuring each data worth measuring we can bring Intelegent Analytics, Prediction, reduced Utility consumption, Resource for Efficient Planning.
However there are certain challenges exists in legacy Manufacturing Plants, which
Challenges in Implementing IIoT:
- Legacy Asset installed base
- Lack of Standardization in Manufacturing Process and Machines
- Lack of Skilled workers
- Significant initial CAPEX investment due to legacy machines
Challenges will be many but it seems Industry is game for IIoT, as the benefits are tremendous. IIoT is also opening lot of new Business models and efficiency records are increasing every day. Many Segments and multiple Process are already ready for IIoT, some of them are Automotive, LifeScience, Water, and Utility.